Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk

Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk

Feb 26, 2014 by Mitch Kastoff
Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk
Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk
Flotrack news and links for February 26th, 2014

Happy Wedsnesday Flo-land! I was reading one of USATF's communication emails about the U.S. Outdoor Championships. Apparently, at the conclusion of the event, there will be confetti cannons placed at different points along the track.

The confetti will be made from shredded protests.

And now the "news"

I have two jokes for everyone. "USATF said nobody received special treatment in the process" and "The USATF said that Grunewald's reinstatement was separate from Hasay's withdrawal." Aaaaaand, scene.

Well, not all the questions. We know why the disqualification happened (answer: incompetence).

Whoever reads USATF's twitter mention timeline must be some sort of sadomasochistic.

I want transparency from USATF, but I don't want a 24/7 show about the Pistorius trial. Let's find some middle ground.

One time, my roommate made soup. While it was on the counter, I knocked the pot over and everything spilled onto to the floor. I didn't know what to do, so I hastily scooped it back into the pot, put it back on the counter, and never told him. Sorry, Carl. 

Hey, it could be worse in the U.S.

This is absolutely astonishing, but then I realized that this army of "super babies" will soon rise up and try to crush us "normal" folk. I'm basically just outlining the themes of Gattaca.

I really hope our bid is Camden, New Jersey.