Back Routine


Back Routine - Many of the exercises are similar to posses in Yoga and Pilates and therefore it is important that you pay attention to your posture and body position when doing this routine. For instance, when you are on all fours, make sure that your knee is under your hip; most athlete will have their knee under their belly button, basically their center of mass, when they begin to lift the other leg. They do this because they lack the requsit core strength (and/or hip flexor flexibility) to complete the exercise WHILE doing it in the proper position. This is where it will help to have someone watch you to ensure proper angles and body positions. Again, this routine is simple yet doing it correctly is not easy. "Simple Ain't Easy" - Theloneous Monk PDF of this routine - click here Coupon Code for 20% Off - SCY9TWQM For More Info,