Mobility Monday Presented By Trigger Point: How To Help Tight Hips & Quads

Mobility Monday Presented By Trigger Point: How To Help Tight Hips & Quads

Nov 22, 2016 by FloTrack Staff
Mobility Monday Presented By Trigger Point: How To Help Tight Hips & Quads
Studies have shown that rolling out before and after workouts can decrease fatigue during the workout, and speed up the recovery process after it. In our first Mobility Monday, learn how Trigger Point's MB5 Massage Ball can loosen tight hips and quadriceps.

Unlocking Tight Hips

If you're a college student, high school student, or professional with a desk job, chances are you spend a ton of time sitting in a chair. And all that sitting can wreak havoc on the hips. The MB5 can undo the damage from all that sitting; here's exactly how to use it.

Releasing Quads

No matter what you do during the day, tight quads can have devastating results, from a limited range of motion to knee injuries. The MB5 prevents scar tissue from building up and improves fluid exchange within the soft tissue.