Fasil Bizuneh - The Other Side, A Novella

Fasil Bizuneh - The Other Side, A Novella

Feb 23, 2012 by Christopher Kelsall
Fasil Bizuneh - The Other Side, A Novella

© Copyright – 2012 – Athletics Illustrated

Fasil Bizuneh, who owns a 10,000m personal best time of 27:50.48 and a few 62-minute half-marathons will be racing the Jacksonville Gate River 15k in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday, March 10th. His personal best on the Jacksonville course is 43:52. He has twice competed in the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, once as a junior and as a senior.

Bizuneh is currently training at altitude in Flagstaff, Arizona. He is looking at competing at the USA 25k Championships, which take place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Saturday, May 12th.

Meanwhile, Bizuneh has a very unique book project underway. A novel of sorts, which is discussed in greater detail below.

His personal bests are:

5000m    -  13:59.04
10,000m   -  27:50.48
15km    -  43:52
Half Marathon  -  1:02:20
Marathon   -  2:16:47

The interview

Christopher Kelsall: You have run the Gate River 15k in Jacksonville, Florida a few times, placing near the top of very strong fields, finishing in the 43-minute range, which is a performance similar to your 10k personal best of 27:50. Are you going for the win this year? Will winning require a 42-minute performance?

Fasil Bizuneh: Jacksonville has been the site of some of my best races, and I look forward to returning there to race every year. The hospitality from race director Doug Alred, and elite athlete coordinator Richard Clark Fannin, are unmatched. On top of that, sunny Florida is a welcome respite from the daily slosh of training through the Flagstaff winter. I always try to give my self the opportunity to come out on top. That being said, the current resurgence in US long distance running isn’t making these W’s any easier to come by.

CK: Greg McMillan is your coach, yes?

FB: I did work with him from July of 2010 until December of 2011. I’m currently a mercenary though (or as Kid Cudi would say, Mr. Solo Dolo).

CK: So just in the pursuit of happiness?

FB: Yes, and I know everything that shine/ain’t always gonna be gold/I’ll be fine once I get it/I’ll be good.

CK: Speaking of being good, your 10k personal best being 27:50 appears to be your stronger performance of all your races. Your half marathons being in the 62-minute range are consistently close. They all point to a 2:10/11 marathon. Are you going to work on your 2:16:47 marathon personal best this spring?

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