The Track & Field Experience

The Track & Field Experience

The Track & Field Experience

Mar 17, 2011 by David Torrence
The Track & Field Experience
A while back I posed the question: What would YOU do if you became the new CEO
of USATF? What would be your focus, your first actions, your moves.

After suffering through another horribly produced indoor track season, I know what
I would do.

Bring Track & Field back to the fans.

Watching the Indoor Championships was another groan-inducing, eyes-rolling, and quite frankly EMBARASSING example of Track on TV.

The camera angles fail to capture the action, the announcers seem to know the absolute bare minimum to cover a race, the stands are half empty, and any sort of excitement/drama/tension is completely sucked away.

(Ok, it's not usually this bad, but you get the picture.)
(Ok, its not usually this bad, but you get the picture)

Now, many of you may say “Well, track just isn’t an exciting sport. It’s not fun to watch, and unless you’re a total nerd you can’t appreciate it.” If you find yourself thinking along those lines, then please do me and yourself a favor and just stop reading now because you have no place in this discussion.

So to continue…

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