In Scene From Nightmare, Deer Assaults Runner Mid-Race

In Scene From Nightmare, Deer Assaults Runner Mid-Race

Nov 16, 2016 by Dennis Young
In Scene From Nightmare, Deer Assaults Runner Mid-Race
At this weekend's NCAA DIII Mideast Region meet, a deer sprinted across the DeSales University course and ran right into Gwynedd Mercy's Justin DeLuzio, sending him flying.

DeLuzio actually got up and finished the last four miles flanked by two teammates. After the race, Gwynedd Mercy coach Kevin Clark said that "Justin is doing ok, he's just a little sore and bruised up. We were worried about his health for a while but we're proud to see him fight through this along with his teammates, get up and finish his last collegiate cross country race." DeLuzio covered the 8K course in 31:16, finishing as his team's 4th man on the day.

The surreal scene capped a bizarre weekend of animal incidents at regionals. A dog briefly led the men's race at the Division I West Region, and an enormous rabbit ran right up to the women's race at the DI Midwest women's race.

Deer are bad now.

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