Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk

Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk

Jan 21, 2014 by Ryan Sterner
Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk
Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk
Flotrack news and links for January 22nd, 2014

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s basically Friday, so Happy Friday. Have you ever heard the saying, “you can put makeup on a pig, but it’s still a pig?” Well that’s how I feel about the headlines from yesterday.

And now, the "news"


I think we can all agree that this is the culmination of a very odd journey for Lolo Jones. She's been talking a lot about redemption, which is great, it keeps her motivated. But I wonder if a medal in the Winter Olympics (the Summer Olympics annoying kid sister) is really going to give her the redemption she's looking for? Here's hoping she finds it.

Boy, there must be something in the water over in the Great Rift Valley, because we can't seem to figure out how they do it! In other news, Dathan Ritzenhein emerged from a two month training stint in a cryo-suana, and was reportedly feeling great about his chances in Boston.

In an attempt to put a price on a human life, Pistorius and his camp are looking to settle with his deceased girlfriend's family to the reported tune of $185,000-275,000.

Cinque Mulini is both historic and incredible. Honestly, we'd like to see more races where the course passes through houses.

Last week I ate three bags of Zapp's Potato Chips and sent their corporate headquarters a three page fan letter. Why is this relevant? Because last week Ryan Vail ran 135 miles and wrote a blog about it. Tomato tomahto, or whatever.

Songs Secretly About Track and Field - Fast Food and Cheap Thrills

It’s like Weird Al turned into a schizophrenic, convinced everything around him was about the sport of track and field.