picture of Brad Hudson

Ritz, Heating Up, Part 3 & Contest

Aug 22, 2008

Dathan Ritzenhein has been working overtime in Eugene the past 10 months getting ready for what ultimately will come down to the most grueling of Olympic Marathons.

On August 23th, at 7:30PM EST, Dathan will set out to run against the worlds best. To prepare for Beijing's heat and humidity, which is expected to play a large factor in the race, Ritz has been connecting heat-acclimation sessions inside a climate chamber at the University of Oregon with workouts along Lorane Highway and the Rexius / Pre's Trail in Eugene.

Over this series we caught up with Dathan inside the UO Human Physiology Department for his last climate chamber session, and with coach Brad Hudson, before both left for China.

With each part of this series, we will be giving away 2 autographed copies of Brad Hudson's new book, Run Faster, which came out on 7/29. With each video, a question relating to Dathan's future Olympic Marathon performance will be asked. For the third video, the question is as follows:

What place will Ritz, Hall, and Sell finish. Whichever 2 responses has the closest TOTAL to the finish of all three will be the winners. DNF is marked as a 0. (Example, if you select Ritz 5th, Hall 6th, and Sell 7th -- the person closest to or with 18, wins. Keep in mind you need all three runners places listed. A number only is not sufficient. Tiebreakers will be who has the closest position picked correctly to Ritz. If a tie occurs in that scenario, the first two to entries win.)

You should respond in the following format NAME:#PLACE, NAME:#PLACE, NAME:#PLACE (You do NOT need to total your own answers)
Remember, you may use DNF, it will count as a zero in the total

Contest Notes:
- You must be logged into Flotrack to be eligible
- If there are the same responses entered by viewers, the tie will go to the first responder.
- Each individual can only win one time
- You may change your answers (be deleting and entering new comments) as often as you'd like, so long as they are entered before the deadline below
- Contest responses need to be in by 4:00 PM EST on Saturday, August 23.

Related Videos w/ Ritz and Brad:
'Heating Up, Part 2' | Here
'Heating Up, Part 1' | Here
'Heating Up'. Intro with Brad Hudson | Here
'Leading To Trials' with Dathan, filmed back in Fall '07 | Here