Cam Levins Runs More Miles Than You, Is Faster Than You

Cam Levins Runs More Miles Than You, Is Faster Than You

Canadian 10K record holder Cam Levins is known for his extreme mileage—it's been rumored that he has logged 36 miles in a day and 190 miles in one week of t

May 19, 2016 by Adam Oestreich
Cam Levins Runs More Miles Than You, Is Faster Than You
Canadian 10K record holder Cam Levins is known for his extreme mileage—it's been rumored that he has logged 36 miles in a day and 190 miles in one week of training.

After joining the Nike Oregon Project, coach Alberto Salazar made Cam drop his mileage to a comparatively minuscule regimen of 110 miles per week. But according to Canadian Running Magazine, he recently racked up a 210-kilometer week of training, which translates roughly to 130 miles.

Although racking up more miles each week with his legs than you do in your Prius is impressive enough, Levins recently decided to test his speed in an unfamiliar two-lap race at the BYU Last Chance Meet.

Levins went 1:49.73—at altitude—to take third behind a pair of Brigham Young athletes.

Video courtesy: Ryan Waite

There goes your, "But coach, this was a pretty high mileage week for me; I can't run the 800 in this meet!" excuse.

Thanks, Cam.