picture of Ryan Ponsonby

Team Flotrack's Manzano Mile Run Off

Mar 19, 2013

This Saturday will be the third annual Manzano Mile. Once again the Flotrack crew will participate in the "Fitness" Mile Relay.....a 4x4!! The thing is, it is co-ed (2 men, 2 women) and this year there were three guys that wanted in. David Williams (a.k.a. DWill), Alex Lohr and Pat Hitchins. David claims to have run sub-50 in high school, while Alex and Pat says they each hit 51. It was decided that there would be a run off, but Alex was unable to attend. If Pat and DWill run slower than 58 seconds then Alex would be on the team automatically, if they are faster then Alex must run a time trial and he'll have to do it solo. No flats or spikes allowed. Final Results: 1. 55.50 - Ryan Ponsonby (coach of Leo Manzano) 2. 56.65 - David Williams (Flocasts Sales Team) 3. 57.32 - Pat Hitchins (Flocasts Sales Team) 4. 1:29.05 - Martin Floreani (Flocasts co-founder, former wrestler)